Sequencing of Aptamers or Amplicons
We offer specialized NGS sequencing for your aptamer populations or amplicons. Your samples are barcoded and sequenced at optional sequencing depth and lenght on Illumina MiSeq or NextSeq machines. You will obtain a table containing the aptamer or amplicon sequence and its frequency.
Our bioinformatics pipeline uses rigourous quality criteria and accurately quantifies each nucleotide.
TrueQuant Adapters for Aptamers or Amplicons:
We provide optimized barcoded adapters which contain our TrueQuant identifiers for PCR-bias reduction for highly accurate quantification and sequencing results.
Simply ship us your templates and we prepare the aptamer-libraries or libraries of other nucleotide poulations and sequence them applying our TrueQuant method.
Alternatively we can provide you our TrueQuant adapters and you can prepare the library yourself. You can then either ship the “ready to sequence” library to us or sequence it on your own Illumina sequencer. After sequencing you can upload the data to our server. We will automatically identify the PCR replicates, the reads with highest quality and accurately quantify the reads. Profit from our automated aptamer analysis pipeline and save time and ressources.