DNAAnalyses of genomic DNA

From entire genomes to specific mutations

Whole Exome Sequencing

With whole exome sequencing (WES), all exon coding regions of the human genome are sequenced. WES reveals all somatic and germline mutations, but also copy number variations and fusion genes in the gene coding regions of the genome. Our analyses can reveal genetic disorders, food or drug intolerance but also inheritance information. Exome sequencing is ideal for comprehensive genetic analyses at relatively low costs. Our service is also available for material from liquid biopsies or FFPE.

We apply the latest Sure SelectXT Technology (Agilent) or Illuminas Nextera Rapid Capture method.

Other Target-Sequencing approaches

Specific regions of interest can be enriched using custom gene panels or other enrichment procedures. Thanks to our robotics pipeline, we can process hundreds of samples in parallel for highly cost efficient analysis of targets, e.g. tumor genes.

De Novo Sequencing

For the analysis of unknown genomes, GenXPro employs a hybrid sequencing strategy, combining long PacBio reads with Illumina reads to produce the best possible and accurate assemblies at the lowest costs. By applying different amplification regimes, hard-to-sequence genomic regions (e.g. GC and AT rich regions) are equally covered. We also use reduced representation strategies which improve the results drastically.

Whole Genome (re-)Sequencing, WGS

We offer whole genome sequencing at different coverages for the genome wide detection of mutations and the analysis of copy-number variations (CNVs) in human and other genomes.

Our elaborate bioinformatics pipelines guarantee highly reliable results.

Genotyping, Phylogeny and Copy Numbers:

Reduced Complexity Sequencing (RC-Seq)

RC-Seq is a method for Genotyping by Sequencing (GBS). It is the ideal technique for comparative genomics analyses, the detection and mapping of SNPs as well as for the analysis of Copy Number Variations (CNVs). The principle of RC-Seq is to reduce the sequencing on ten to a hundred thousand specific sites in the genome of many of different genotypes, analyzed in parallel at low costs.

Genome Skimming

With “Genome Skimming” the entire genome is “shotgun-sequenced” at a very shallow coverage of 1-5x. Repetitive elements such as  Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs), Long and Short Interspersed Nuclear Elements  (LINES und SINES), long terminal repeats (LTRs) as well as mitochondrial and other plastids-DNA will be covered, while the rest of the genome remains largely uncovered.  The repetitive elements can hereafter be used for comparative genomics approaches.


ATAC-Seq stands for “Transposase Accessible Chromatin Sequencing”.  Transposases integrate DNA-Sequences preferentially into the genome regions that are nucleosome free and hence also accessible for transcriptional regulation. In our ATAC-Seq procedure we directly integrate sequencing adapters into the nucleosome free (or “open chromatin”) parts of the genome. Our bioinformatics pipeline clearly elaborates the nucleosome-free and nucleosome-bound parts of the genome.

From tissue to results- full service or kits for all your samples