Liquid Biopsies
Circulating Tumor DNA
The tumor derived, free circulating (tumor) DNA (ctDNA) contains the same mutations that are present in the tumor itself. By sequencing the ctDNA from the blood, the mutational landscape of the tumor can be analyzed. For some mutations, specific treatments have been shown to be benficial for the tumor treatment (see precision medicine). We offer the sequencing of blood derived ctDNA and an analyses of the mutational landscape.
All cells shed small membrane vesicles into the bloodstream, filled with contents of the originating cells. Among them, smallRNA and mRNA can be found in exosomes. We isolate and analyze smallRNA and mRNA from liquid biopsies and provide expression tables, annotations and gene expression statistics for your sampels.
Free circulating smallRNA
smallRNA can als directly be sequenced from blood plasma or serum. We isolate, sequence and analyze blood derived smallRNA of your samples with high accuracy.
Please contact us for more information at
Whole Blood Gene Expression
Our MACE kit or service in connection with our “GlobiNo” depletion protocol measures genome wide gene expression from whole blood samples at unbeatable costs and accuracy. THe high frequent hemoglobin transcripts are effciently removed with no addtional sample preparation steps.
Please contact us for more information at
Our analyses are for research and development purposes only.