one qPCR assay instead of two or more
SARS CoV-2 + Alpha-Delta qPCR assay for screening and simultaneous VoC detection
Our new ALPHA-DELTA-Screening assays combines dual target SARS-CoV-2 detection with VoC determination of the two most relevant VoCs ALPHA and DELTA that make up > 99% of the strains in most countries of the world (see: The assay is based on a highly robust detection SARS-CoV-2 using the CDC / WHO recommended N-Gene assay and detects the Delta and Alpha strains via assays that are highly specific for mutations each strain.
Our ALPHA-DELTA Screening Assay combines:
Dual Target SARS-CoV-2 detection and simultaneous detection of the Alpha and Delta VoC
Screens for SARS-CoV-2 while simultaneously detects the two most relevant VoCs, Delta and Alpha which represent > 99% of samples in most countries in Europe and in USA.
The assay includes the WHO-recommended N1 gene in addition to highly robust detection assays for deletions present in the Alpha and in the Delta VoC.
Each positive sample is detected with two targets (dual target assay) required for a secure diagnostics
Sampling- or positive control is included for highly reliable assay conditions
Assay Design and Probes
Results from ABI-7500 -Other qPCR machines with channels for FAM, HEX, ROX and Cy5 can be used
Cat. Nr. 031522-ALPHA-DELTA; 96-10.000 reactions
Further Assay Combinations available at GenXPro
N-Gene, Delta and Lambda, internal Control
N-Gene, Delta and Mu, internal Control
Further mutation -specificqPCR assays avalable for SARS-CoV-2
For more information or to purchase the kit, please write us an e-mail (, or call us at (+49 69) 95739710 ).